October 24th - Canadian News Links
This site in not affiliated with any political party. Partisan newsfeeds are not knowingly linked. The links below are to independant public news agencies only. The stories and their content belong to legitimate news agencies.
HALIFAX HERALD - Lost in translation
MONTREAL GAZETTE - New Bloc ideas a whiff of old bribes
OTTAWA CITIZEN - Keeping talent at home
OTTAWA SUN - Opening old wound
TORONTO STAR - Canada's sudden Afghan burnout
TORONTO STAR - Fortier's big chance
TORONTO STAR - Tag's deadly scourge
NATIONAL POST - Let's get this byelection started
TORONTO SUN - They don't need @?*! computers
K-W RECORD - Ignatieff continues political stumbling
WINDSOR STAR - Byelections: Harper makes right call
WINDSOR STAR - Floor-crossing rules
SUDBURY STAR - Third Option best course for Afghanistan's future
CALGARY HERALD - When religious freedom is right, and when it is not
CALGARY SUN - Johns should worry
EDMONTON JOURNAL - Serious action, or just serious delay?
EDMONTON JOURNAL - Clarity on trusts needed
EDMONTON SUN - Sizing up john law
Ottawa eager to fill front lines
Navy, air force personnel could see Afghan action
Defence officials exploring ways to beef up infantry
Dumb and dumber
Colonel urges patience on Afghanistan mission
Canada should boost Afghan mission, take lead in strategy development: paper
Taliban vows revenge attacks in Europe
'We will kill them and laugh over them'
Canada's Afghanistan mission destabilizing: James Ingalls
Opinion of the Afghan mission is shifting in Liberal caucus, says one Grit, as opposition parties step up their criticism of the mission.
UK 'broke pledges' on Afghan aid
Travelling with the Taleban
The BBC's David Loyn has had exclusive access to Taleban forces mobilised against the British army in Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan.
Gross stupidity in Afghanistan
Cleanup not on Canada's agenda
Closer energy ties with U.S. urged
Review of foreign ownership rules also sought
Wind farm construction in Canada doubled this year
OPEC calls for Canada's help
North American investment, technical expertise sought
Trade, politics, security on tap
Asia Pacific Summit for academics, ambassadors and business executives
Blunt instruments
Economic sanctions work sometimes, but they can also make world
The skinny on Omega-3 fatty acids
Quebec may file AdScam charges
Ontario plans referendum on electoral reform in next provincial election
Ontario to ask feds for more than $25M to cover native occupation: McGuinty
Tory house-arrest bill gutted: Toews
Tories run 'Narrowcast' government: says pollster
But is the strategy working? Tories say they don't make much of a recent poll that found Libs and Tories tied
Liberals to pay off Quebec wing's $1.9-million debt
Sources say the party decided to bite the bullet and pay off the massive debt because the Quebec wing wasn't strong enough to do it on its own.
Accountability on menu at law and Parliament Conference
Accountability may be hot, but some MPs say Parliament is much less accountable than it was 30 years ago.
Tories muzzling officials, threatening free speech: opposition
Liberal senators table ethics act amendments
Baird dismisses Liberal senators' attempts to raise political donation limits
Turner won't switch to Greens for now, wants to try being Independent
Gay marriage critics, supporters lobby MPs ahead of free vote
Policy may be Liberals' undoing
Opposition pokes at Fortier's refusal to run
Fortier defends decision not to run in by-election
Ignatieff rebound raises team's morale
Liberals don't let up on MacKay
Green Party eyes two seats in House
New leader to run in by-election
Still hopes to woo Turner to cause
Debate seals Ignatieff advantage
Bob Rae, 'the experienced guy,' starting to look good
Liberal Senate flexes muscle on Accountability Act
Baker signals U.S. exit from Iraq
Bending with the wind
Government legislation targets voter fraud
Tories consider income-splitting for seniors
Flaherty defers income-splitting action
Extend terror laws: MPs
Tories, Liberals unite in call to give controversial measures five more years
Anti-terror act requires fine tuning, panel says
Accused terrorist wins Charter case
Former Liberal minister contradicts RCMP chief on Arar affair
Environment watchdog overzealous
Harsh law set to live on, unexplained
Garbled green message
Evangelical schools ordered to teach Darwin
Canadian senators at work
Colin Kenny is chair of the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence.
Challenge aspiring leaders to reinvigorate democracy
Officer fights military over salute, toast to the Queen
Says public displays of loyalty are 'degrading'
Democratic or devilish?
Finding the Recognition We Covet
L'opposition accuse le gouvernement de museler ses fonctionnaires
Un juge invalide une partie de la loi antiterroriste canadienne
Reconnaissance de la nation québécoise - De quoi s'agit-il?
Les opposants au mariage gai intensifient leur lobby
Des accusations contre cinq individus reliés aux commandites?
Modifier la loi sur l'environnement comporte des dangers, dit un juge
Les partisans d'Ignatieff sont ambivalents face à l'idée de nation québécoise
Le ministre de la Justice critique vertement les trois partis de l'opposition
Flaherty se penche sur la question des revenus des couples du troisième âge
Le temps d'attente en santé continue à se détériorer au Canada
Federal Byelection
Timing is everything
Byelection race taking shape
Dianne Haskett's road back was paved by Tory party officials in Ottawa.
Troops marshalling
City council candidate jumps into federal race in London-North-Centre
Walker in NDP candidacy storm
The above non-partisan links are compliments of Joe Hueglin (who also feeds the links to the Progressive Canada Party, the politically non-aligned, and his personal daily digest distribution.)
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